For the last ~6 months, the eCommerce team of one of my favourite clients has agonised over not being able to visual merchandise product list pages – after Magento purchased OnTap’s Visual Merchandiser module and made it a part of the core in Enterprise Edition (previously available to buy for both CE and EE from OnTap).

This has been a frustration for lots of Magento CE merchants over the last ~18 months, who have had to apply individual scores to products in order to change the ordering of products within the category. Having struggled with this issue a lot, I recently came across a solution, in the form of the Neklo Product Sorting module (recommended to me by the GPMD team), which (so far) has worked really well.

The client has a few related issues (due to how they’re doing multi-warehouse and various M2 bugs) where they’re unable to set the visibility of SKUs for individual websites, so this extension is saving a huge amount of time where we were previously manually negating products. Core features of this specific module include:

  • Drag and drop visual merchandising at category level
  • Ability to pin specific products in a position
  • Ability to hide out of stock products
  • Push out of stock products to the bottom of the grid

So far, I’ve not seen any conflicts or issues with the module (we’re also using Klevu for search and Amasty for layered navigation).

Some of the other visual merchandising modules I was looking at (but haven’t actually used) include:

The Smile ElasticSuite Solution also looks great, but, as far as I can tell, it’s built to power layered navigation and search as well, which limits it’s value as I generally tend to use Klevu to power search.